

PW Microtale Results English

  Hello friends,


How are you, storytellers?

We hope you are doing well and healthy!


Proverbs World team organised a special 5 day-long contest on the YourQuoteApp popularly as Provers World Night Owl contest.


Proverbs World, Results

As we committed to providing you with a certificate for participating and joining in all the challenges of the contest. The participants present in all the rounds of the contest are eligible for the certificate and for the winners we have the winner certificates.


Proverbs World Microtale contest:

PW Microtale contest was related to the micro tale writing as you read. It was a solo contest.

In this 5-day long journey, we provide participants with different sorts of challenges that they must complete as an individual. There was 1 challenge in one day to complete by collaborating on the post. 

We are also planning to feature the best attempt here at www.ProverbsWorld.in Well you can give the suggestion in the comment below that is it a good idea?


Now let’s have the list of participates.

Here, we have listed all the eligible participants for the special verified participation certificate.


                   Sr. No.       Name

1.     Srishtirani Panda

2.     Arduous Writer

3.     Praneetha Singh

4.     Ritu Vemuri

5.     Sania

6.     Arza Asrar

7.     Sunaina Suneja

8.     Mahima Jain

9.     Sanhita Sonavane

10. Kaur Dilwant

11. Saloni Khanna

12. Varun Shah

13. Potula Sai Srilekha

14. Shahabia Khan 


    Winner :   Sanhita Sonavane


Special Mentions:

      Shristirani Panda

     Dilwant Kaur

Condition for a verified E-certificate.

The person who participated in all the rounds of  MicroTale challenges within the specified deadlines is chosen by our team.


If you want to have a backlink to your YourQuote profile, then please subscribe to the blog. After subscription, we shall add a profile of YourQoute to your name, so people can know you and follow you there.


Deadlines missed (Contact us on Instagram for any query)


Thank you for your participation.


Proverbs World team.

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